Common software related Call Center Management Problems – Learn how to fix them

Modern world thrives on digital information; increasingly fast changing technology is reshaping the way human race approaches their day-to-day lives. Digital revolution has forced the business ecosystem to adapt and deliver the services on real-time basis to remain relevant and competitive.

Lot of investment has ensured that sales and marketing divisions of organization are better tuned to the new digital customer; however, contact centers critical to customer satisfaction and retention are yet to catchup to these changes. Today, we are trying to identify the challenges (a mix of traditional challenges combined with problems related to digital transformation) which are commonly faced across contact center industry.

Call Center Management Problems

Today, we will look at some of these challenges and learn how to address them.

Multiple Data Sources

With more and more use of social media and internet, it is getting more difficult to address customer grievances.  A single consolidated view of customer including conversation history, customer preferences etc. is very difficult to get.

Contact centers need to upgrade to Omni channel solutions or invest to integrate data from the new sources with existing infrastructure. This will enable them to keep up with the changing trends and maintain presence across platforms.


Call On Hold

As per various studies, almost 30% of the customers disconnect their calls while waiting to connect to an agent. As an aftereffect, they feel disengaged and usually carry a negative perception about the brand; they tend to share this experience with other customers thereby influencing existing customers as well as potential customers.

Modern contact center software are providing callback option for the customers; this helps them avoid the long queues and tiresome waiting for an agent to be available. They just need to schedule a callback and the software will dial at the specified time.


Navigating IVR

It is an ordeal on customer’s part to navigate through the complex IVR system of the call center before landing to the correct option. More often than not they will choose the incorrect option and connect to the wrong agent who will put them back to the queue. It has been noted that IVR is one of primary reasons for low customer satisfaction scores and also adds to the call volumes as customer has to call back again to resolve their grievances.

For customers who are tech savvy and are comfortable with smart phones, most contact center solutions have developed visual IVRS. Visual IVR is simple to use where user can choose the option displayed on their screens. They even can move back incase opted for the wrong option because it displays the complete journey of the user on the opted options.


Call Drop

One of the common issue faced by the contact center industry is disconnection of calls in the middle of a conversation. It’s a frustrating situation for the customer as they have to navigate through a complex system before connecting to an agent and are not inclined to go through the whole process again. Moreover, they have re-iterate their grievances to a different agent, a situation they want to avoid.

Use of intelligent reconnect available in the contact center software will re-route the call to the same agent who fielded the original call to ensure continuity in the resolution process. This also increases the productivity and the effectiveness of the contact center agents and the time invested by them.


After years of experience in serving the call center software industry Teckinfo has done the changes in its product folio to meet the need of the hour. InterDialog UCCS – a unified call center suite is state of the art product which is capable of handling all such challenges which are face by the industry . It empowers the contact center to be efficient and thus help them to increase the number of happy customers without a long queue wait or confusing IVRS.

Visit our website to see the feature list: