Advanced Auto Dialer

Advanced auto dialer solutions from Teckinfo help businesses streamline outbound calls, increase productivity, and engage your customers. Using our solutions, businesses are able to increase outbound calling campaign efficiency, identify busy tones and voicemails and reduce agent idle time. By leveraging our cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interface, we enable businesses across a variety of industries to boost call center efficiency and maximize results. Majorly used by telemarketing and sales teams but our software is designed to address requirements of many other business processes also like debt collections, market research, fundraising, feedback, survey calling and many more.

Automatic dialer software can be used by customer-facing teams distributed across the organization. It is commonly used for telemarketing, lead generation, inside sales, customer retention, appointment scheduling, events invitations and reminders, survey and market research, and fund raising and many more environments to automate the process of making outbound calls.

Streamline your Outbound Calling with our Auto Dialer Solution - Maximize Reach, Minimize Effort and Amplify Results

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What is an Auto Dialer?

An auto dialer is a software solution for outbound call centers that automatically dials phone numbers and connects them to a live agent or plays pre-recorded messages. They can be configured to dial phone numbers from a pre-defined list or database. They can also be programmed to skip busy signals, voicemail, and disconnected numbers, ensuring that agents only connect with live contacts.

What are the Different Types of Auto Dialer Software?

Depending on their objective’s businesses can use different types of phone dialers and dialling modes available for outbound calling. An organization may require the dialer for high volume of outbound calling, e.g. for lead generation, sales and marketing purposes, while another may use it for customer information review through a CRM system. There are different types of dialers available:

Progressive Dialer

A progressive dialer dials multiple numbers simultaneously; however, it waits for an agent to become available before connecting a call. It dials only one contact per agent at a time to ensure that an agent is ready to handle the call when it connects. It moves on to the next call only when the previous call is complete. These are ideal for B2B outbound calling where drop-offs and call abandonment are less.

Predictive Dialer

Dialer in predictive mode dials multiple numbers simultaneously, anticipating when an agent will become available and connecting them to the next live contact. Predictive dialer works based on intelligent algorithms like average call handling times, agent availability, peak calling times, call abandonment rates and call volume to automate the dialling with an objective to minimize agent idle time and maximize productivity.

Power Dialer

Power dialer utilizes all the phone dialer channels or ports to dial the phone number irrespective of the logged in agent status. After connecting the call, if agent status is not idle then it will drop the call and dispose as No Agent Found (NAF).

Bot Dialers (Robo Calling)

Bot dialers are used to minimize agent interaction at first contact. They work like automated outbound dialers, except that they include an IVR system to send out multiple phone calls at once. These include recorded messages, usually reminders or notifications, with the option for the agent to be transferred.

Key Features of Dialer for Call Center

  • Centralized Lead Upload: User-friendly interface to easily upload and manage leads from a central location in case of multi-location contact centers.
  • Intelligent Dialling: Employs intelligent and advanced algorithms to optimize phone number dialing and maximize agent productivity.
  • Dialling Modes: Our dialling software has different dialling modes to suit multiple calling needs including progressive, predictive and power dialling modes.
  • Call Routing: Intelligently route calls to available agents based on predefined rules and conditions to connect customers with the most suitable agents. Calls can be routed to specific departments, skill-based agents, or in a round-robin fashion.
  • Campaign Management: Make campaigns, upload lists of phone numbers, specify call timings and configure other campaign parameters to efficiently manage multiple call campaigns.
  • CRM Integration: Ready connectors and customizable API’s for integration with popular CRM systems and 3rd party applications enable personalized interactions and better customer service.
  • Call Monitoring and Recording: Allow supervisors to monitor live calls, review and analyze interactions, provide valuable feedback for internal training purposes and ensure regulatory compliance with the best dialer software.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Real-time reporting and analytics provide call metrics and insights into agent’s performance and helps to optimize campaigns.
  • Compliance Tools: Compliance with regulations is ensured with features like "do not call" list management, PCI DSS compliance and more.

Reach out to us now to set up a demonstration and unlock the potential of our auto dialer solution for your business.

Benefits of Automatic Dialling Software

Increased Agent Productivity

Eliminate time-consuming task of manually dialling phone numbers and allow agents to focus on conversations with live contacts, handle a higher volume of calls and spend more time engaging with customers or prospects, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

Reduced Idle Time

Automatically dial the next call as soon as an agent becomes available, lessen downtime between calls and maximize time spent on productive interactions.

Higher Call Connection Rates

Connect agents to live contacts, augment call connection rate to ensure agents spend more time interacting with potential customers. Option to filter out busy signals, voicemails and disconnected numbers reduce unproductive calls.

Improved Call Management

Centralized lead upload and campaign management empowers businesses to manage outbound calling more effectively. Upload and manage call lists, set call parameters, and monitor campaign performance from a single platform.

Enhanced Call Routing

Route calls to most appropriate agents based on predefined rules. It ensures customers are connected to the right resource to address their distinct needs leading to superior customer service and satisfaction.

Integration with CRM Systems

Seamless integration of our automatic dialling software with leading CRM applications enables personalized interactions,  and helps agents provide relevant and timely information as agents are able to easily access customer information during calls.

Real Time Monitoring

Team leaders and supervisors are empowered to review calls for quality assurance, training and provide coaching for real-time assistance to agents if needed.

Reports and Analytics

With extensive call center reports available to you gain insights on key call metrics viz: campaign performance, agent productivity and more, to monitor the calling campaigns, make data-driven decisions and optimize performance.

Cost Savings

Achieve significant cost savings and maximize return on investments with reduced errors, increased agent productivity and campaign optimization with the best dialer for call center.

Robust Outbound Calling Solution

We offer a comprehensive auto dialer solution that has many cutting-edge features viz: intelligent dialling algorithms, dynamic CLI management, powerful centralised lead upload and many more. By simplifying lead management, optimizing agent productivity, and maximizing campaign effectiveness, our solution delivers exceptional results. Teckinfo’s best auto dialer software – ID Cloud, automates the dialling process by filtering out unproductive calls, and intelligently route calls. Our dialer enables agents to spend more time speaking with live contacts and deliver better customer service. Scalable and flexible, it facilitates quick adaptation to changing business needs and supports growth of outbound calling operations. Overall it provides numerous advantages to organizations engaged in outbound calling viz: streamline operations, increase agent productivity, improve call management, better campaign performance and enriched customer interactions.

What Our Customers Say

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    See Frequently Asked Questions

    What is an auto dialer?

    An auto dialer, is a software technology that automates the process of making outbound calls, either sequentially or from a pre-defined list. These are commonly used in telemarketing, customer service, and call center environments to increase calling efficiency and productivity.

    Yes, our ID Cloud software, which is one of the best dialer, has been designed to handle large call volumes efficiently. It can be scaled to accommodate increased call traffic without compromising performance.

    Auto dialers automate the dialing process and eliminate the manual dialing resulting in reduced agent idle time. Agents spend more time engaging with live contacts and less time on unproductive tasks, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

    Yes, our dialling software can be integrated with CRM systems. We have ready connectors to integrate with leading CRM systems and customizable API’s to integrate with 3rd party applications. Integration allows agents to access customer data during calls and provide personalized interactions.

    Yes, our dialer gives you the flexibility of multiple deployments. It can be a hosted auto dialer or you have the option of hybrid or on premise dialer.