Industry Specific Cloud Call Center Solutions

In the competitive world of today pressure on Industry is to be visible, relevant at the same time competitive, efficient and give a great customer experience. To be more effective comes the challenge of managing the complexities of the business processes while retaining the business effectiveness. There is no panacea which will meet the requirements of all industries. Teckinfo with its unified contact center solutions (cloud based, hybrid and on premises) for industries help them streamline and automate processes, increase efficiency thereby minimizing costs. We have ready to deploy solutions for various industry verticals like Banking, Insurance, Telecom, BPO, Real Estate and many more, providing them with customized customer interaction management solutions.

Our extensive domain knowledge and our people force help provide the best-in-class solutions. Added to this our customization team can deep dive into the details of the business process, thereby giving complete automation to the process.

Tailored software solutions for industry-specific call centers with specialized CIMs designed to meet your unique needs. Whether you're in finance, banking, BPO or any other sector, we've got you covered.

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+91 11 4960 5577

Various Industries that Benefit from ID Cloud Software

Streamline communication between your business and your clients with innovative and versatile cloud-based communication features that meet their unique needs and challenges.


Leverage the power of Digital Transformation

Financial Services

Benefit from using Conversational AI

Micro Financing

Revolutionizing with cutting-edge solutions


Omnichannel for better customer engagement

Life | Non-Life | General

Power up your customer service and business


Upsell, cross sell and retain subscribers


Building quality customer conversations

School | Universities

Enhance enquiries to admissions ratio

Online Learning

Connect, collaborate and transform learning


Activate availability round the clock

Medical Clinics

Redefined approach to customer experience

Ambulance Services
Emergency Services

Be just a call away when seconds count

Earth Movers

Technology for customer service and retention

Travel | Tourism

Keep customers happy with personalization

Taxi Service
Cab Aggregators

Securing conversations & scaling businesses

Utility Services

Customer service that exceeds expectations


Reach out with a heart and care in every call

Consumer Goods

Tackle customer complaints effectively

Delivery | Logistics
Door to Door

Real time order tracking and updates


Empowering brands to engage customers


Skyrocket your business to new heights
What Our Customers Say

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Contact us today to schedule a demonstration and know how our solution can benefit your organization.

    See Frequently Asked Questions

    What is an industry-specific call center solution?

    Teckinfo’s industry-based unified communication systems are customized to meet the unique demands and challenges of that sector. These are equipped with features, tools, and functionalities that are specifically designed to optimize operations and customer interactions within that industry, enabling efficient and compliant communication processes.

    There are many advantages to using ID Cloud. Our domain specific knowledge helps to improve efficiency, enhance customer service, and compliance with industry regulations.

    Compared to generic call centre systems, our customer interaction management systems are tailored to meet the unique needs of a particular industry. They have prebuilt integrations, compliance features, and analytics included in industry-specific solutions.

    A number of these solutions include features like intelligent routing, CRM integration, and industry-specific knowledge bases, which enable agents to provide better and faster customer service.

    Yes, our software platform has extensive integration capabilities which can be integrated with your CRM and ERP systems, ticketing systems, and other software to create a seamless flow.

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