Stepping Up Customer Experience: Video Call Contact Centers

The business landscape has changed exceptionally over the last few years. The technological advancements and the increasing need for perfection have led businesses to step up their games especially in the field of customer experience. With contact centers serving as the face of business, customers are delighted at the effort companies are making to reach out to them. several channels are used to ensure that the contact is maintained and supported well by technology.

Some of the most commonly used channels in customer service are:

  • Calls
  • E-mails
  • Website Chats
  • Social Media

Though these are a great way of connecting with potential customers, the current situation and advancement are demanding a more personalized approach. The customers want to experience the way they used to while visiting a store and having that one-on-one interaction to feel satisfied and heard of. They want to see how the executive is responding and dealing with their concern. They want to put a face on the person they are talking to over something that is sensitive and precious to them.

The answer to this need is a Video Call Center.

What is a Video Call Center?

Video call centers are the future of customer experience where the conversations and concerns are met over a visual one-to-one interaction. The customer and executive connect over a video call and help resolve the issue. Why the video?

Conversing over a video call enhances the customer experience by knowing who they are talking to, what the other one is doing or thinking, and build up the conversation over mutual trust. It helps customers understand and realize the authenticity of the matter and executives to get a better idea of the customer they are dealing with.

Benefits of a video call center

  1. A more personalized touch to customer interaction

With video call contact center, the customer interaction aspect gets enhanced to a greater extent. The truest essence of implementing omni channel marketing at your place is about making the customer interaction personalized by customizing at every single touchpoint. Once the customer believes in the brand and the people who represent it, it lays the foundation for a loyal customer base.

With video call contact centers in place, the customers feel heard for by someone who they can see and have faith in. video chats also help in conducting live demos and demonstrations to ensure that the customers understand the product well.

  1. Better real-time experience

The video call contact centers have taken real-time support to the next level by enhancing customer experience through video calls. This has resolved several concerns regarding the usage and implementation of a new product/ service, minor faults in the working of existing products/ services, and many such addressable issues.

  1. Synchronized communication

One of the most important factors of setting the right pitch of your business if to have an on-point communication. With video call contact centers, the communication aspect has been taken a level up. The agents and executives can seamlessly conduct trials and product sales and ensure the right thing is communicated at the right time.

Video call contact centers are the need for a connected future where the customers feel heard for and connected one-to-one, even if virtually.

To know more about our video calling plug in write to us :