call center software

Inbound Call Center

Teckinfo offers a comprehensive, robust and effective inbound call center software to efficiently manage incoming calls with features like automatic call distribution, interactive voice response, call routing and queuing, call monitoring and recording, CRM integration, analytics and reporting, real-time dashboards and integration with other communication channels. It enhances customer service, minimizes wait times, and improves call center operations. 

The software enables personalized service by facilitating access to caller information and history, while real-time monitoring and analytics assist in performance evaluation. With its comprehensive functionalities, ID Cloud software optimizes call handling, improves customer experiences, and ensures efficient operations in the call center environment. Whether a small startup or a large enterprise, our solution is designed to meet your specific needs that digitally transform customer interactions and augment customer experience.

Cutting-edge Inbound Call Center Solution that helps Streamline Customer Service and Deliver Exceptional Customer Experiences

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What is Inbound Call Center Software?

An inbound call center solution is a system designed to handle the client calls in a contact center or help desk environment. It provides tools and features to efficiently manage and route incoming calls to the appropriate agents or departments, ensuring timely customer support, effective and efficient customer service.

How does Inbound Contact Center help you?

A software solution with tools like IVR, smart routing and integrations helps to elevate customer experience.


Cutting-edge Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution built on AI/ML technologies with advanced capabilities, including intelligent call routing, multi-language support, self-service options for information dissemination, it helps businesses streamline inbound customer service and enhance customer experience. It eanbles them to handle an extensive range of inbound call center requirements; customers can navigate through menu options, make payments, check order status and more. Using AI tools like automatic speech recognition and natural language processing capabilities, ID Cloud IVR enables callers to access relevant information using dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) interface and/or voice commands for seamless and intuitive interactions, enhancing customer satisfaction and optimizing business operations.


Intelligent routing algorithms help analyze incoming phone calls based on various factors viz: caller information, call history and predefined rules. By leveraging them, the system intelligently directs calls to the most appropriate call center representative or department, ensuring a prompt and personalized response. This eliminates the need for customers to navigate through lengthy menus, reducing wait times and improving overall call handling efficiency. They also enable skills-based routing, ensuring that calls are directed to agents with the right expertise, maximizing first-call resolution and customer satisfaction. By optimizing call distribution, the Intelligent ACD engine helps streamline operations, minimize call transfers and deliver exceptional customer experiences.


Ready connector’s and API’s facilitate seamlessly integration with leading CRM platforms, 3rd party applications and databases. Integration enables sharing of data in real-time, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing errors. It allows for smooth collaboration between different departments and facilitates the flow of information across the organization. Integration capabilities also enable businesses to leverage existing tools and systems, maximizing their investments and avoiding the need for extensive replacements. Whether it's integrating with popular CRM systems or 3rd party applications robust integration capabilities empower businesses to optimize processes, improve productivity, and provide a unified and consistent customer experience.

Key Features of Inbound Call Center Solution

  • Automatic Call Distribution (ACD): Intelligent ACD system efficiently routes incoming calls amongst available agents based on predefined rules viz: agent skills, priority levels etc. Ensure customers are connected to an appropriate customer service representative and reduce wait times.
  • Intelligent Routing: Intelligent routing algorithms ensure customers are routed to agents with the appropriate expertise to handle their specific queries or issues. Improves first call resolution rates and customer satisfaction.
  • Sticky Agent: Ensure subsequent calls from a client are directed to the same agent that initially served the client's first call.
  • Virtual Patching: Effortlessly connect and transfer calls to different numbers, destinations without disconnecting or dialing separately. Enhance communication flexibility and efficiency.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR): Greet callers with customizable voice prompts, allow them to navigate through menu options to reach the right agent to ensure quick and accurate call routing.
  • Multi-Language Support: Facilitate callers to specify their preferred language, assign language-specific queues and route calls to agents with appropriate language skills.
  • Call Queue and Callback: When all agents are busy place callers in a virtual queue, announce queue position and estimated wait times. Allow customers to request a callback at a convenient time, reduce frustrations, improve accessibility, and enhance customer experience.
  • CRM Integration: Ready connectors and API’s to seamlessly integrate with existing customer relationship management (CRM) system empowers agents to access customer data and interaction history, facilitating personalized and efficient support.
  • Recording, Real-time Analytics and Reporting: Ensure compliance, track performance, enhance training with call recording and quality monitoring features. Review recordings to provide feedback to agents to ensure consistent service quality. Gain valuable insights with comprehensive reporting and analytics tools. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), viz: average call duration, call abandonment rates and more to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Contact us today to schedule a demonstration and know how our inbound solution can benefit your organization.

Benefits of Enhancing Inbound Customer Service

Improved Customer Satisfaction

By effectively managing inbound calls, reducing wait times, and routing customers to the most appropriate agents, our solution enhances customer satisfaction. Providing prompt and personalized assistance leads to happier customers and fosters long-term loyalty.

Increased First Call Resolution

Intelligent routing and CRM integration ensure customers are connected to agents with the right expertise to address their inquiries or issues, resulting in higher first call resolution rates, minimizing the need for customers to follow up or escalate their concerns.

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

Intelligent call routing provides real-time analytics and reporting. Helps optimize agent workload distribution and monitoring performance metrics, identify bottlenecks, streamline processes and enhance overall efficiency and productivity.

Cost Savings

Businesses can optimize staffing levels based on call volumes and agent availability, reduce overhead costs associated with unnecessary hold times, missed calls, or idle agents.

Virtual Call Patching

Eliminates the need for manual call handoffs, reduces disruptions, enhances communication flexibility and efficiency and improves overall call management.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

Get valuable insights into call center operations with robust reporting and analytics tools. Monitor KPIs, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve processes, optimize resource allocation, and drive continuous improvement.

Seamless CRM Integration

Integrating with CRM systems provides agents with immediate access to customer data and interaction history empowering them to provide personalized and efficient support, improving customer satisfaction and reducing call handling times.

Multi Language Support

Reduces language barriers and allows you to cater to a diverse customer base, address customer needs across various linguistic backgrounds, enhance overall customer experience.

Scalability and Flexibility

Scale as per business needs, whether you experience fluctuations in call volumes or plan for future growth, you can easily accommodate changing requirements, ensuring the flexibility to adapt to evolving demands.

Streamline Customer Service with Inbound Contact Center

Teckinfo’s inbound call center solution enhances the customer experience and the quality of the inbound customer service. With its numerous features, it simplifies communication and improves incoming call handling, ensuring seamless and efficient customer support. 

At the core of our inbound solution is a robust system that ensures seamless call routing, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) menus and call queuing. It enables efficient handling of high call volumes, reduce wait times and improve customer satisfaction. Advanced call routing algorithms that include factors such as agent’s skill sets, language proficiency and customer history ensure calls are routed to the right agents, maximizing efficiency and first-call resolution rates. To improve agent productivity and reduce handling times, our solution offers options to integrate knowledge bases and scripting tools. Additionally, with ready connectors and custom API’s, integrating ID Cloud with leading CRM systems and ticket management systems enables agents to access customer information in real-time, resulting in personalized interactions and quicker query or issue resolution.


Furthermore, advanced analytics tools capture and analyze call data, providing valuable insights to enhance performance and make informed business decisions. Real-time monitoring and reporting capabilities enables team leaders and supervisors to track key performance metrics, such as call volume, wait times and agent productivity. This data-driven approach allows for proactive management, identifying bottlenecks and making informed decisions to optimize performance. With features such as encryption and roles & right based access controls, data security and compliance are prioritized to protect sensitive customer information and adhere to industry regulations.  

To enhance customer engagement, we offer multi-channel support, including voice, email, chat, WhatsApp and social media. Option to integrate these channels into a unified interface, allows agents to seamlessly switch between channels and provide consistent inbound customer service across platforms. Our inbound contact center solution with a comprehensive technology stack of advanced features, empowers businesses to provide exceptional customer experiences, improve productivity, build lasting relationships and drive growth.

Transform your call center operations by harnessing the power of ID Cloud inbound call center software. Invest in our solution to empower your business deliver exceptional customer experiences, increase operational efficiency and drive overall growth. At the heart of it is a customer-centric approach. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique requirements and tailor our solution to meet their specific needs.  Our highly skilled technical support team is available to ensure uninterrupted service and resolve technical issues promptly. This, combined with comprehensive training provided to your teams, ensures call center deliver top-notch services consistently. You can rely on our support to keep your call center running smoothly.

What Our Customers Say

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    See Frequently Asked Questions

    How can an inbound call center improve customer satisfaction?

    An inbound call center software can improve customer satisfaction by reducing wait times, providing personalized service through access to customer information, improving first call resolution rates, enhancing agent knowledge and efficiency, monitoring quality and providing coaching, gathering customer feedback, and supporting multiple communication channels. Overall, it optimizes inbound customer service operations, leading to a more positive customer experience and increased satisfaction.

    Inbound contact center can benefit various industries, including:
    • Customer Support and Service: Industries that provide customer support, such as telecommunications, e-commerce, healthcare, financial services and hospitality.
    • Helpdesk and Technical Support: IT services, software companies and technology support organizations.
    • Government and Public Sector: Agencies handling citizen inquiries, helpline and emergency services.
    • Travel and Hospitality: Airlines, hotels and travel agencies dealing with reservations, bookings, and customer inquiries.
    • Retail and E-commerce: Online retailers and companies with a large customer base that requires customer service and support.
    • Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics and medical service providers requiring patient support and appointment scheduling.
    • Education: Educational institutions providing student support and information services.

    During high call volumes, calls can be automatically distributed to additional available agents, and call queuing functionality ensures that callers are kept informed about their estimated queue position or wait times. Advanced options to route overflow routing to alternative call center locations and the ability to prioritize certain types of calls are available.

    Call center solutions can prioritize data security and employ various measures to protect customer data. This includes encryption of data transmission, secure storage of customer information, access controls to limit data access to authorized personnel, and compliance with industry regulations.

    When choosing the right inbound call center software, consider the software's features, scalability, ease of use, integration capabilities, reporting and analytics, reliability, security and compliance measures, customer support and training, cost, and vendor reputation. With these factors in mind ID Cloud solution seamlessly aligns with your organization's requirements and enables you to deliver exceptional customer experiences.