Next-Generation Enterprise Cloud Call Center Software

Step into a realm of unmatched customer engagement with our cutting-edge solutions, meticulously engineered to cater to the intricate demands of large organizations. With over 25+ years of experience in the field of messaging, communication, and contact center technologies, Teckinfo brings to you state of art enterprise cloud call center software to fit the needs of large organizations. Our software platform embedded with cutting-edge technologies like omni-channel communication, voice enabled IVRs, intelligent routing, AI technologies like NLP, ML, bots, text to speech, speech to text, sentimental analysis etc. and enterprise grade security features.

ID Cloud with its powerful CTI engine, advanced dialer, intelligent ACD, offers multiple communication channels viz: voice, email, chat, SMS, WhatsApp and social media to help you provide an all-round customer experience. Along with this we bring to you domain expertise in close to 30 industry verticals to instantly your requirements and needs and deliver the right solutions in quickest possible time.

Transforming Enterprise Engagement with Teckinfo’s Contact Center Solution for Amplified Performance and Exceptional Experiences

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Deployment Options for Call Center Software Solutions

With the advent of cloud services and easy availability of high-speed quality internet connectivity, cloud adoption has increased considerably. Businesses now have a choice among cloud, hybrid and on premises deployments. Whatever is the choice, Teckinfo’s best practices deployment procedures and a variety of integration options help ensure a smooth process and longevity. We are the only company that provides flexibility to fit customer needs. Our solutions can also be deployed in mixed and match mode.

ID Cloud - Contact Center Software

Teckinfo’s ID Cloud a robust call center software solution requires minimal investment and can be easily integrated with leading CRM. Additionally, new features and server software upgrades rolled out from time to time, enable businesses to quickly access the cutting-edge communications tools. Hosted in a secure data center offering a public-facing cloud, our solutions enable remote users to easily access contact centre services from anywhere. It can be scaled to meet the needs of growing businesses and allows them the ability to deploy in a multi or single-tenant environment. ID Cloud, premium enterprise contact center platform enables businesses to build lifetime customer loyalty, reduce costs and optimize agent efficiency.

ID Hybrid - Flexibility and Control for Multi Location

The power of both security and flexibility is possible with hosted call center solutions from Teckinfo, combining local telephony with contact center software on a public or private cloud. An ideal option for multi-locational setup with central database and local telephony. Also, businesses that have already made an investment in on-premises setups but are eager to dip their toes in cloud offerings, a hybrid model may be a good option. They can keep critical parts of their enterprise service platform viz: voice delivery (telephony channels, server hardware and software’s) on premise and move other functionalities like messaging, chat, WhatsApp, social media etc. to the cloud. This enables them to continue using a major part of their in-premise infrastructure and move less latency-sensitive things to the cloud.

InterDialog UCCS - On Premise Unified Solution

InterDialog UCCS is a unified contact center enterprise software where all telephony, hardware, software applications and systems are physically positioned and deployed within your company premises, and the contact center operates inside the company's offices. Though it is necessary for businesses to invest in hardware and other infrastructure systems for deployment and maintenance, they gain control of their functions, server security, and data by doing so. If security and scalability are of utmost importance, this is the preferred deployment method. It is also a good choice if the site lacks reliable, low latency internet connection. Businesses can better manage their help desk and have more control over low-latency connections using this setup.

Empower your enterprise with robust cloud call center software. Get in touch today for a non-obligatory demo!

Key Capabilities of Our Enterprise Call Center Solutions

Seamless Multichannel Engagement

Deliver consistent, omni-channel experiences across all communication platforms viz: voice, email, chat, WhatsApp and social media. Robust enterprise call center solutions help to strengthen your brand identity and ensure customer loyalty.

Advanced Interactive Voice Response

AI-driven IVR to intelligently route calls, self-service options ensure 24 x 7 availability, multi-language support helps serve a large client base. Callers can reach appropriate destinations without manual intervention with virtual call patching. IVR flow designer enables businesses to easily create, customize, modify, and efficiently manage their IVR systems.

Advance Auto Dialer

Supports multiple dialling modes. Automates outbound dialing to minimize effort, maximizes reach with smart call routing, improves agent productivity, optimizes efficiency, and improves overall call connect ratio.

Remote Work Empowerment

Enables agents to login remotely with secure cloud-based access, ensuring flexibility without compromising on productivity or data security. Our mobile agent solution enables your agents to provide customer service on the go while maintaining efficiency.

Agent Collaboration Tools

Enterprise cloud call center software fosters collaboration among agents with internal chat, shared knowledge bases, real-time communication, and task management, ensuring seamless issue resolution and efficiency within the organization.

AI-powered Bots

Elevate customer engagement with artificial intelligence for task automation. Deliver seamless 24x7 support, drive efficiency, cost savings, and exceptional experiences. Transform your business with chat, voice, or WhatsApp bots.

Seamless CRM Integration

Ready connector’s enable quick integration with leading CRM’s. Customizable API’s allow integration with your existing systems to provide agents with a holistic view of customer profiles and access to preferences and interaction history, enabling them to tailor their responses and create a more personalized experience.

Uncompromising Security and Compliance

Fortify customer data with state-of-the-art security measures viz: number masking, encryption and multi-factor authentication ensuring adherence and compliance to industry regulations like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, GDPR etc., and winning customer’s trust and loyalty.

High Availability for Business Continuity

High availability and redundancy options ensure uninterrupted service delivery regardless of location or unforeseen disruptions, remote work capabilities for agents and availability of services to customers at all times.

Scalability and Flexibility

Easily scale your customer service capabilities up or down to meet changing business demands. Ensure your enterprise contact center remains agile in a dynamic market with a flexible solution that can be customized to your evolving needs.

Elevate Your Enterprise's Customer Engagement Game

In the realm of business operations, exceptional service and support is paramount. Our enterprise cloud call center software offers a transformational approach, enabling them to deliver top-tier customer experiences while optimizing efficiency and growth. Whether you're a multinational corporation or an expanding conglomerate, Teckinfo stands ready to be your strategic partner in navigating the complexities of modern customer service. Step into a future of excellence and innovation with our omni-channel contact center solutions, offer unparalleled support, optimize operations, and redefine industry benchmarks. Get started on this journey of enhanced client engagement and business success by getting in touch with us today.
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    See Frequently Asked Questions

    What is an enterprise contact center solution?

    It is a comprehensive software platform designed to manage and optimize customer interactions across multiple communication channels, ensuring seamless customer support and engagement for large-scale businesses.

    An enterprise cloud call center software enhances customer support by providing advanced features for efficient communication management. It helps businesses manage high call volumes, deliver personalized experiences, and gain insights to improve operations.

    Yes, most modern enterprise contact center solutions offer integration capabilities to connect with CRM systems, databases, helpdesk software, and other business tools.

    Absolutely. Our unified contact center for enterprise organizations offers AI-powered capabilities like chatbots, sentiment analysis, and predictive analytics to enhance customer interactions and agent efficiency.

    The choice depends on the specific needs of the enterprise. Cloud-based solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and reduced infrastructure costs, while on-premises solutions provide more control over data and security.

    ID Cloud provides remote access, collaboration tools, and real-time monitoring, enabling enterprises to effectively manage agents working from various locations.