Understanding The Efficacy of Multichannel & Omnichannel Contact Center Software

The only thing in present day’s digitally revolutionized and fast paced business environment which changes faster than technology is the terminologies that are being used to address customer engagement and ensuing business outcomes.

The differences between ordinary and exceptional relationships sit in the ability to engage and be engaged, to create one lifecycle for your customers, to make everything effortless.

There are two major terms that lie at the heart of customer service and customer experience industry – “Omni-channel” and “Multi-channel” customer service. While the customer service industry is expanding with new and improved technological advancements, and market tactics, there is a greater need to understand that this technology alone cannot guarantee superior customer service or experiences.

According to a research conducted by Aberdeen, companies that invest in omni-channel experience achieve more than 90% increase in customer retention compared to companies that don’t.

We find that companies often confuse the terms multichannel and omnichannel while in reality, both are quite different.

Multichannel Contact Centre

Multichannel refers to many channels through which companies can assist the request coming from different channels such as telephone, email, social media and even web chats.

The case of siloed communication is quite rampant in a multichannel experience where different agents have no information of contexts of interactions that the customer had previously on other channels.

Omnichannel Contact Centre

The literal translation of “Omni” is “all”. An omnichannel contact centre means, customer can connect to the agents by any channel of their choice. Interactions done by the customer via any of the modes are viewed by the agent on a unified platform with the history of previous conversations of that account.

Customer Experience

When a contact centre knows the customer context and the various aspects of customer’s journey, it automatically contributes to a superior and seamless customer experience.

Context helps agents, customers and businesses to strive for an integrated communication experience that contributes to customer retention, positive recommendations and customer satisfaction. Transferring context from one communication channel to the next doesn’t work with just any contact centre technology. Legacy systems and siloed software systems can’t do this.


Reactive to Proactive Service

In order to offer a seamless customer experience, contact centres need to work on proactive mode rather than a reactive mode. They need to understand the relevance of identifying and resolving customer issues before they turn into problems.

While many customer support teams fall into the reactive mode, but in order to reap the best benefit of brand loyalty, you need to up your customer service ball game to reach the proactive service.

Predictive Analytics

Contact centres can make use of predictive analytics such as statistics, data mining, data modelling and artificial intelligence to identify patterns and trends which can be utilized to spot risks and opportunities for future.

Predictive analytics can help in customer engagement and boost customer service. With the correct use of analytics, customer data can be measured to resolve issues, offer customization and other added incentives.


The efficiency of a multichannel and omnichannel contact center can be measured with increased cost savings and satisfied customers. It makes your customers your brand advocates which in turn is an incredible marketing tool to drive new leads and business.

Go for InterDialog Unified Contact Center Software. To know more visit: https://www.teckinfo.com/call-center-software-interdialog.php