Omnichannel contact center software: The core of integrated customer experience

The corona virus pandemic has impacted every aspect of the living world. From the way of life to conducting business, everything has changed. While the physical shops are forced to shut down and come to a temporary close, the online channels have kept the business game up and running. The marketing department of every organization has worked day and night to make sure that the customers are engaged to the full potential across all business channels through their contact centers.

Omnichannel contact centers: The driving force of businesses and customer experience

Managing the customers is of the utmost importance these days. As a business, you need to understand the fact that customer engagement is the driving force behind a growing and flourishing business. When asked for, most customers voted for seamless customer experience as the most required trait in businesses. They need to feel taken care of and heard for at every stage of buying.

Customer expectations are maybe vast but can be categorized into three broad categories:

  1. Consistency: Consistency is the key to an engaged customer. Make sure all your customers get to experience a similar treatment across all your active platforms. Be it in-store, across online market places, through your website or elsewhere, each platform must reflect a common user interface across a similar theme.
  2. Personalization: The next major thing that needs to be taken care of is personalization. Every single message that flows out to the world needs to be personalized as per customer interests and credentials. These may be your sale banners, anniversary or birthday messages, a new launch or anything, personalization is important. Customers expect an omnichannel experience that allows them to explore similar business offers across all platforms with a personal touch. Omnichannel customer experience refers to tying all the information together with different feed backs to provide a seamless experience across all platforms.
  3. Loyalty: Loyalty is the primary factor that encourages all stakeholders to keep the business running. Loyalty is not just expected from the customers’ side but is a two-way thing. Loyalty is both customer’s and brand’s responsibility. Customers also expect a great deal of loyalty and effort from their favourite brands. This may be in the form of reduced TAT in conflict resolution or quick replacement of a damaged product or a scheduled delivery of a surprise from/ for them.

But is that it? No! there is a lot more to adding the experience part to customer experience.

Customer experience: The X-Factor

Just doing your job is not enough to provide the best in class customer experience. An extra effort needs to be put in to ensure that nothing takes a U-turn when it comes to customer dealing. This is why there is a need for integrated omni-channel contact center software.

Customer expectations are exceeding by the day. They want to come across customer care that knows their purchase history, past conversation, and their interest. This calls for an integrated omni-channel contact center that records every conversation that takes place with customers and integrates it for a future reference. Not only is this appreciated by the customers but also simplifies the resolution process for customer care executive.

To sum it up

The need for a seamless experience across all channels not only boosts customer loyalty with the brand but also removes any choking bottlenecks in the system. Right from converting a prospective lead to keeping the customer engaged, an integrated omnichannel contact center software can serve the purpose.

To know more about the robust and omni-channel contact center software, visit our website here.