Call Center in Insurance Industry

Insurance sector has come a long way in our country; starting from basic life insurance in the early years to insuring body parts now, the industry is addressing various challenges that comes across a human life. Millions of people are using different products like life insurance, motor insurance, medical insurance etc. Yet the penetration in our country is lowest amongst the world and there is a scope for exponential increase.

Why is it not happening then? What is the reason which is preventing the companies from tapping this great potential?

The answer is Communication; insurance industry is still using legacy system to communicate with the customer base and acquiring new customers. Customers have to invest lot of time to get the relevant information and to understand the benefits that the company is offering. Most of the time it needs an agent to visit the customer and explain the products and with a very low conversion ratio.

Following are few of the challenges that the industry is facing are listed below:

  • Limited view of lead flow in the system.
  • No or Limited MIS
  • De-Centralized Information
  • Manual Dialing/Field Visits to communicate with customers
  • Quality Management

Teckinfo’s award winning ‘InterDialog UCCS’ is a unified solution which helps insurance companies to address the above mentioned challenges and reach out to customers effectively and at reduced cost.

Our system integrates with your legacy system to provide you with a generational leap and connects you with your customers in a way never experienced before. Your agents can communicate with the customers 24×7 irrespective of the channel they are coming from. Your agents are always updated about the latest status of the lead and customers will not have to repeat themselves while speaking to different agents. This has a telling impact on the customer experience and increases the customer retention multifold providing you with an opportunity to cross sell.

Key Benefits that our solution brings to you:

  • Your agents responds almost 200% faster to the customers
  • Increased Lead Conversion resulting in higher revenues
  • Automated call flows and IVR, minimizing supervisory requirements.
  • Improved Quality Management through call recording feature
  • Integrates with existing systems thus helps you protect existing investments and minimize the Capex requirements for upgrade
  • Minimize costs across board and improves efficiency of the workforce involved
  • Lead Prioritization. High Priority leads can be routed directly to best agents automatically
  • Takes care of inbound, outbound, & multimedia contact management requirements
  • Monitor the productivity of agents and processes and take appropriate actions accordingly
  • Centralized information will help your agents pull out customer records in no time and promptly address the customer queries.
  • Greatest benefit that we bring is the enriched customer experience. Your customers will be delighted communicating with you and get you more customers through referrals.

Contact us for a demo/proof of concept and witness your organization making a giant leap over your competitors.